Community Resources

Dear Destiny Community,

The last month has brought numerous assaults on the threads which weave our country together. We have seen divisiveness, threats and violent ruptures, with many people, including Latinos, Black and Brown families, Immigrants and Transgender individuals now feeling incredibly unsafe in their homes, schools, workplaces and communities.

Destiny Arts Center, as a 36 year old organization rooted in Oakland, is committed to ensuring that EVERY young person who walks through our doors, into our studio space, into a Destiny classroom, feels welcomed, loved and safe.

There are many unknowns right now, and new threats daily. And as a result, the work of Destiny is more important than ever. Destiny is committed to honoring the voices of young people throughout the Bay Area and providing safe and welcoming places as we continue to use the arts to uphold the voices of our youth, regardless of immigration status, skin color, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or political beliefs.

Everyone needs Destiny Love in their lives, especially now. I look forward to seeing you this spring at an upcoming event and hope you know that Destiny is a place where you will always belong.



DAC Resources
DAC Resources (Español)
Alameda County Health Care Services Agency COVID-19 updates
Center for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19 information resources
Alameda County Food Bank *
CalFresh Food

*Destiny Arts Center partnered with the Alameda County Community Food Bank in the Fall of 2019 to provide healthy snacks to the young people and families who come through our doors. Since the shelter-in-place order was issued in March of 2020, we have maintained a community food pantry that is open to anyone in our community in need. Our staff has worked to stock the pantry with commonly used food items that our teaching artists, staff and families can access. You can see our current pantry items here and contact our Program Associate, Beatriz ( to confirm a pick up time for items. Pick must be scheduled in advance, masks required.


Vaccine & testing resources

Vaccination Guidance & Resources from Alameda County
COVID-19 vaccine: find out if it is your turn
Find A Shot
Curative testing – Downtown Oakland Senior Center
Curative testing – East Oakland Senior Center


Support for artists, arts educators, and arts organizations

Artist Support: Free SEO Services
Bay Area Arts Educator Form


Homeschool and education

#CantStopDestinyArts Classes on YouTube
Create a Destiny Class at Home
KQED: At-Home Learning Resources
Dancing Alone Together
Cosmic Kids Yoga
Virtual Museum Tours (+ tours for kids)


Mental health and wellness

Workshops by Village Resiliency
From Chaos to Creativity – A guided meditation with Sarah Crowell
The Relational Center: Online Support Groups
AFSP: Taking Care of Your Mental Health in the Face of Uncertainty
Guide to Managing Stress and Prevent Addiction


Employment, housing, and financial support

Emergency Rental Assistance Program
Planning Resources for Business Reopening
Employment Development Department: File an Unemployment Insurance Claim
Employment Development Department: File a Paid Family Leave Claim
Employment Development Department: Benefits for Workers Impacted by COVID-19
Employment Development Department: Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) FAQs
Affordable Internet at Home
Low cost internet and computers
CA Rebuilding for Smallest Businesses
The financial impact of COVID-19 on young people: the top facts and statistics
Black Business Grants & Minority Resources
Small Business Grant for Women: Free Marketing Services + Micro-grant


Anti-racism resources

Pandemics: A history of discrimination
NAACP: Coronavirus and our Communities
The Progressive: Don’t Let COVID-19 Unleash Bias
National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health: Stigma, Discrimination, Health impacts and COVID-19
NPR: When Xenophobia Spreads Like a Virus


Support for undocumented communities

United We Dream: Health Care Access for Undocumented Folks in the Time of COVID-19


Support for disabled communities

File a Disability Insurance Claim


Support for elders

Administration for Community Living: What do Older Adults and People with Disabilities Need to Know?
Bringing an elderly loved one to live at home


How to help

East Bay Disability Ally Form